Harry Wild, season 2 stays on track

Jane Seymour in Harry Wild

Harry Wild set up a world in season 1 that could move along through many episodes of crime solving by the newly hatched detective Harry Wild (Jane Seymour) and her young partner Fergus (Rohan Nedd). Season 2 does exactly that, with 6 new murders and some interesting character development among the regular cast members.

Harry Wild continues working the literary references the former literature professor turned detective uses to solve crimes. Each episode refers to a new book or writer. Guest stars come in for one episode, which Harry and Fergus solve in under an hour. The guest stars do get some strange and interesting characters to play. They make the most of them.

The Regulars

The regulars in the cast are Harry and Fergus, of course. Also included are Harry’s family – the police officer Charlie (Kevin Ryan), the daughter-in-law Orla (Amy Huberman), and the granddaughter Lola (Rose O’Neill). Lola and Fergus are a couple officially in season 2.

Fergus’s family includes his dad (Shane Lynch) and his younger sister Liberty (Rosa Willow Lee). Fergus’s mother (Samantha Mumba) abandoned the family years ago and lives in Florida. She shows up back in Dublin. Her arrival creates a season long story arc. She’s up to something, but it isn’t clear what it is until the last episode of the season. In the meantime, she tries to reconcile with Fergus and his dad.

Glenn (Paul Tylak) the bartender is still around. Much of the action takes place in his bar. Glenn is always a surprise and brings some comic relief to the story.

Jane Seymour on the poster for Harry Wild

The crimes are often lifted completely from some famous source. Anything from Agatha Christie to Dostoyevsky is fair game. Despite the fact that every episode contains a murder, the series is light and witty.

Jane Seymour charms her way through any situation. She drinks so many large glasses of red wine it’s a wonder she’s still standing, but she’s always alert and intuitive where a crime is concerned. She has a sex life, too. (#EldersRock, you know.)

Both seasons of this cozy mystery series are available now on Acorn TV. If you enjoyed season 1, you’ll like season 2 as well.

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2 thoughts on “Harry Wild, season 2 stays on track”

  1. christopher swaby

    i really enjoy this show. what i found particularly pleasing in this season is the growth we see in Fergus and the increasing depth of the relationship btwn Fergus and Harry. these sorts of shows dont seem to be interested in character growth beyond the superficial (i suspect with the idea that viewers will enjoy the characters as they are from the start). reminds me a bit of the rleationship between the two leads of Whitstable Pearl, though those episodes lean towards the more serious. i’m hoping for a third season (of both shows).

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