Review: The Gift (Atiye), season 2

Mehmet Günsür and Beren Saat in The Gift (Atiye)

The Gift (Atiye), season 2, is a mishmash of terrible writing, compelling actors, and incomprehensible storylines. I couldn’t look away, despite its flaws. I don’t understand how watching something so bad could be so engaging, but it is. This Turkish language series is streaming on Netflix.

The Gift (Atiye) begins in a different reality from the one we learned about in season 1. Nobody remembers who Atiye (Beren Saat) is. Even her family doesn’t know her. The dig at Göbekli Tepe is gone. Pregnant women die and no babies are born.

Beren Saat in The Gift (Atiye)
Her braille skills are otherworldly.

Atiye is the key to putting the world right again and making sure that babies can be born. The child we see leading her here and there is her future daughter – she obviously has to be born somehow.

This situation has something to do with the purple rocks in a cave, with the love between Atiye and Erhan (Mehmet Günsür), and with Atiye being a god or some sort of otherworldly being. Hints as to her lineage are a mix of mythology, religion, and Marianne Williamson.

 Mehmet Günsür in The Gift (Atiye)
Why do we need purple rocks? Could we make do with purple rain?

Because most of season 2 exists in a dimension where Atiye just appeared, the interpersonal situation is very different. Erhan marries Hannah (Hazal Türesan). Hannah is only there to do the bidding of the evil Serdar (Tim Seyfi).

Melisa Senolsun in The Gift (Atiye)
Three years and we still can’t tell anyone?

Atiye’s sister Cansu doesn’t even have the same name in this reality. She’s Elif (Melisa Senolsun) now. She’s in love with Ozan (Metin Akdülger). Tip for the women in the cast: Ozan is never a good idea for anyone.

 Meral Çetinkaya in The Gift (Atiye)
Listen to your elders.

My favorite character – because #EldersRock – is Zühre (Meral Çetinkaya). She pops into and out of the multiverse at will. Sometimes everyone can see her, sometimes only Atiye.

Season 2 involves jumping from one dimension/time/place to another. There are no transitions, no explanations, no hints for befuddled viewers. I thought season 1 had many odd plot points, but season 2 takes it to a new level. It all comes to a crazy climax in the final episode of season 2, which is the worst mess of bad writing you could imagine.

But, on the other hand, these Turkish actors and actresses are handsome and beautiful. They can act well. The scenes, sights, and environment of the film are beautiful. There’s a nice mix of heroines and villains. The pace never flags. Beren Saat convinced me that she could heal the world, and I’d really watch her in anything.

This series is either a very bad good series, or a very good bad series. Either way I was never tempted to stop watching. If Netflix decides to let Atiye save the world for a 3rd season, I’m sure I’ll be there to see it.

The Gift poster

There are a few snapshots of the very beautiful actors in this cast on Instagram. Take a look at the preview.

Have you tried season 2 of The Gift (Atiye)? What did you think?

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4 thoughts on “Review: The Gift (Atiye), season 2”

  1. This series has more holes than a gopher town. But is somehow still watchable. I have to be doing something else as I watch it in order to leave enough gaps to sort of explain the leaps of failed logic. It’s hard to imagine how these writers sold their script. Then you wonder what sort of drugs the producers were on to actually pay for something this bad.

    The problem I have with movies from this part of the world is how important duplicity is to the storyline. Corruption is so rife, how can anyone say they are religious with a straight face? How did these people manage to convince themselves or anyone else that religion was a thing? Beats me.

    1. I haven’t seen much Turkish TV. I was wondering if this is how it all is. Kind of deliberately inexplicable, I mean. As for religious superiority, I don’t think Americans have a leg to stand on.

  2. I’m a lot more forgiving, I guess, because I don’t think the things you mentioned were that bad! Yes, there’s plot holes for sure. But imo not so bad that they detract from the plot or piss me off. Like, who is this entity that is controlling serdad? I’m sure it’ll be revealed in time. And I also didn’t have a problem with the two different worlds/dimensions. Most of season two was in the new one, and when we had some scenes in the first world from season one towards the end, it was easy to follow. It took me a minute with the hannah/ehran scene in the hospital, but then I saw his wound was all wrong, etc. Anyway, it’s an interesting concept, and they keep the pace and action going. I binged it really fast!

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