The Newsreader, season 1 review: TV news drama from Australia

Anna Torv and Sam Reid in The Newsreader

The Newsreader looks at the lives and loves of a group of television news reporters from Australia. Anna Torv stars as Helen, a cutthroat and ambitious newsreader. When the series begins she shares the spotlight with Geoff (Robert Taylor), a man who was a reporter in the trenches for many years. Now it’s the 1980s, and he’s reading the news at a desk.

The Newsreader has two completed seasons, with a third one on the way. Sundance Now and AMC+ have season 1 available. I’m not sure when they will begin to air season 2, but I assume it will be soon. Season 3 is due sometime in 2025 and will be the final season.

Robert Taylor in The Newsreader
Robert Taylor plays the veteran newsreader Geoff

Helen has her eye on the green reporter Dale (Sam Reid – that’s him up at the top). He’s handsome and he looks good by her side. She mentors him and encourages him. Before long they are sleeping together.

Dale happened to be working on a puff piece with the camera man Tim (Chai Hansen) when there was an explosion at the police station just down the block from him. He gets the story and with Tim’s help he goes live on the news. This is the break he needed.

Dale has a secret. He’s gay (or bi) and is attracted to Tim. He tries to deny these feelings, but by the end of season 1 his secret is getting hard to keep.

Also working at the TV station is the grumpy boss Lindsay (William McInnes). He pitches a fit and fires people only to hire them back the next day.

Stephen Peacocke and Michelle Lim Davidson in The Newsreader
Rob and Noelene hit it off

When Geoff has a heart attack, Lindsay puts the sports guy Rob (Stephen Peacocke) on the desk to read the news with Helen. Rob is an idiot about anything but sports and finds delivering and reporting on regular news a real challenge. He gets help from the woman who actually makes the office run – Noelene (Michelle Lim Davidson). She has a lowly position at the station, but is the secret sauce that keeps things working.

Geoff’s wife Evelyn (Marg Downey) is a lot like Helen: ambitious and manipulative. But Evelyn is doing it on Geoff’s behalf, while Helen is trying to break the glass ceiling on her own.

If you remember the 1980s, the stories that get reported in the newsroom are things that really happened. The Challenger space shuttle exploding, Halley’s comet, the AIDS epidemic, and more.

The series is well written and the cast is excellent. I always enjoy Anna Torv, although her character in this drama is rather unlikable. One of my favorite Australian directors, Emma Freeman, directed every episode. Overall this is a well done drama series and worth the watch.

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