Watch This: Two Trailers for La La Land

Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone in La La Land

La La Land premiers at the end of the month at the Venice Film Festival, so buzz about it will surely start then, but the film won’t be in theaters until December 16: your holiday musical. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone head up this film about an aspiring jazz musician and an aspiring actress.

The film is set in modern day Los Angeles and seems mainly to be about nurturing your dreams in a place where making dreams come true is a hard battle.

Also in the film are J.K. Simmons, Rosemarie DeWitt, John Legend, Finn Wittrock and many more. Linus Sandgren is the cinematographer on this – judging from the trailers, the film is going to be visually stunning.

The trailers feature no dialog. Instead we hear Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone singing and get to watch them kissing in fantastically romantic settings. There’s a dream-like quality to both trailers, so it will be interesting to see how much realism the film contains.

Is it safe to predict that romantic love story with music and dancing is going to have a happy ending and you’ll go home from the theater in a great mood? Since a holiday musical is a tradition with me, it probably is a safe prediction for at least this theater goer.

And this one:

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