Lost Girl: S5 E6 Clear Eyes, Fae Hearts

Rachel Skarsten and Anna Silk in Lost Girl

Lost Girl episode 6 of season 5 is “Clear Eyes, Fae Hearts.” The title is a tribute to a beloved favorite, Friday Night Lights. Look out, college football, here come Tamsin and Bo!

Spoilers ahead.

Zoie Palmer smiling
Bo’s dream girl

Bo (Anna Silk) dreams about the jack-in-the-box. Lauren (Zoie Palmer) cranks the handle slowly. She turns and smiles. Bo jerks awake.

Tamsin and Bo in Bo's bed.
The blonde in the bed isn’t who she thought.

There’s a blonde in Bo’s bed but it isn’t Lauren. The blonde is Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten). Tamsin give Bo an unsolicited good morning kiss. Bo goes off to make breakfast just the way Tamsin likes it because “that’s what roomies are for.”

The case of the week begins when Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) is sent to a crime scene at a football stadium. Mark (Luke Bilyk) is with him. The only thing you need to know about Mark in this episode is that he makes a juvenile, sexist, stupid, asshole remark every time he has a line.

blood forms a triple spiral
Interesting blood spatter. Wonder what Dexter would make of it?

Blood next to the dead football player makes the triple spiral Dyson’s been chasing around lately. He wipes it up and it reforms.

Tamsin and Bo
Are you the cheerleader type?

Dyson meets Lauren, Tamsin and Bo at the Dal. He tells them he thinks the murder is tied in with the Fae cult he’s tracking. Tamsin and Bo decide to go undercover as cheerleaders. Dyson says Tamsin doesn’t exactly scream perky. Lauren makes an award-winning, hilarious face at the idea of a perky Tamsin, which she wipes off when Tamsin gives her a look.

Tamsin and Bo don cheerleader costumes and strut across the football field in their little outfits. They’re supposed to be leading tryouts. About halfway there, Tamsin trips. Pratfalls are not beyond us, apparently.

Anna Hopkins as Brinkley
With a name like Brinkley, she has to be head cheerleader

Tamsin immediately has a run in with cheerleading team captain Brinkley White (Anna Hopkins). To show her stuff, Tamsin does a series of handsprings and tucks. When Brinkley’s ready for her turn to demo her tumbling skills, Tamsin throws the whammy on her. Girl doesn’t play fair in dance competitions, either. Bo nods sadly: Tamsin fails at perky.

Aren Buchholz as Derek
Derek has ideas about who did it.

Bo talks to a male cheerleader, Derek (Aren Buchholz), who is there representing tired, gay stereotypes. Bo gets a few ideas from him about who the murderer could be. Hint, her initials are B.W. He says the murdered guy was a bully, especially to the quarterback, Clay (Dwain Murphy). Just then Clay gets smacked to the ground on the field. Everyone thinks he’s out cold but he hops back up. Not human? Tamsin will check him out.

Tamsin talks to Clay
Clay tries to brush off Tamsin.

Clay wants to know why Tamsin thinks he would hurt his best receiver. He doesn’t tell her much.

Lauren and Cassie, whose eyes are bandaged.
Tell me everything from the beginning of time.

Cassie (Vanessa Matsui) wakes up muttering about rain and floods and coming storms. I didn’t get a screen grab of him, but Lauren’s new assistant is played by Gabe Gray, who was the doctor in Bomb Girls. A tidbit of irrelevant info because I’m pretty sure Lost Girl fan are also Bomb Girls fans.

Bo on the phone
You don’t need to call Lauren, do you?

When Bo calls Lauren to run tests on the players, Tamsin gets jealous. She doesn’t want Bo calling Lauren. Bo looks at Tamsin like what is up with you? Then Tamsin kisses Bo, a lip lock that Bo doesn’t actually return.

Amanda Walsh as Elizabeth Helm
I’ll have a coquetel, please

Into the Dal walks Elizabeth Helm (Amanda Walsh). She orders an old cocktail that Trick (Rick Howland) hasn’t mixed in 1000 years.

Rick Howland as Trick
I’d have you sign in, if I could find my ledger

Trick tries to chat her up, find out who she is. He tells her the ancients call this drink the drink of prophecy. She says she thinks he’ll find the ledger because ancient things have a way of turning up.

The man's bare behind
Not that interesting, fella.

Lauren shows up wanting either urine samples or blood samples from the football players under the guise of drug testing. If it’s urine, she has to watch the person pee. One player suggests she likes to watch and gives her a view of both his front and back. Lauren shrugs and says, “You really got the wrong girl.”

Dyson and Mark are at the gym, where Dyson has constructed a murder board. He pins up the image of the triskelion of blood.

Lisa Marcos as Alyssha Wells
I saw my dead husband.

A woman comes in with a request for Dyson. Her name is Alyssha (Lisa Marcos). She says she saw her dead husband walking in the street. He didn’t even recognize her.

Noam Jenkins as Heratio
It’s Dead Man Dating!

She shows Dyson a photo. It’s Heratio (Noam Jenkins). Note the Capital Sports logo behind him. Dyson says he’ll check it out.

Lauren and Bo in the lab.
Want a good laugh? Ask Bo to look in a microscope.

Lauren shows Bo test tubes full of science stuff. First she ogles Bo’s outfit, proving she’s human first and a scientist second. From Trick on speaker phone, we learn one of the guys appears to be a Heraclid. Heraclids are descendants of Hercules, the son of Zeus. Human but strong, fast and resilient. Also listening to this conversation at the Dal is Elizabeth Helm. Oh, oh.

Dyson talks to Clay, the quarterback. Clay doesn’t know what the triple curve shape is or what a Heraclid is. But he does have a secret.

Bo and Dyson talk
Dyson sniffs out some evidence.

Bo and Dyson talk about Clay not knowing who he is. Bo lets it slip that she’d be better off not knowing who her father is. When Dyson picks up on that, she deflects, changes the subject. They decide to chat with the gossipy cheerleader, Derek. While they are talking with him, Dyson smells blood. In Derek’s locker is the bloody jersey of the dead guy. Dyson takes Derek to the station.

Shanice Banton as Iris
Gonna go boom!

Iris (Shanice Banton) shows up at the gym. She checks out the murder board and draws a triple curve on Mark’s arm using his sweat. Her fingers make rainbows in the sweat. Iris says something bad is going to happen at the football game.

Cheryl Hickey
Cheryl Hickey from Entertainment Tonight Canada played a reporter.

At a press conference, Tamsin decides Brinkley ought to be considered a suspect. Clay sits down at the mic. The questions turn to the murder.

The quarterback comes out

Clay says that Derek couldn’t be the murderer because he was home in bed with him the night of the murder. Oops, the quarterback came out.

Bo and Derek
Bo knows what it’s like to live with a secret.

Derek takes Bo to see Clay. Clay says his PR Reps, Capital Sports, told him he couldn’t come out.

Tamsin and Bo at the Dal
Capital Sports, did you say?

At the Dal, Bo tells Dyson about Capital Sports. Dyson connects the dots to Kevin Brown from the elevator and Heratio55 who dated Cassie and Bo. They decide to go to the game.

Tamsin applies dap to her cheeks
This is her disguise?

Tamsin suits up and heads for the field. Get outta her way.

Elizabeth, Iris, Heratio
Aren’t they chummy?

Bo goes to the press box and finds the 3 elevator people together. A regular family. They call Iris their daughter and seem to take great pleasure in stroking her arms. Elizabeth also says Clay is like family. The more success Clay has, the better for the family. They admit to the murder of the football player.

Bo zapped by a thunderbolt

Bo realizes they are feeding off the crowd and threatens to throw the game. Elizabeth zaps her with a thunderbolt to get her out of the press box. Yep, a thunderbolt came right out of her hand. Hmm, Zeus could throw thunderbolts. Zeus was married to Hera. We’ve got Heraclids and Heratios running around in this episode. What the Hera?

Tamsin in a football uniform
Hail Mary, she does it.

Tamsin makes a touchdown in the last seconds of the game by catching a 40 yard pass.

Elizabeth glows

Elizabeth glows with delight.

Girlfriend? Oh, no.

In the clubhouse, Bo examines a scar on her shoulder from the lightning bolt. Bo says she’s never felt anything like it. Tamsin can’t heal it.

Bo wants to go see Trick. Tamsin wants to run her a bath first because that’s what girlfriends are for. Bo watches Tamsin walk away and sighs. She realizes she has to do something about the girlfriend thing. She does not feel that way and has to break it to Tamsin.

Everyone is at the Dal
The Let’s Clear Up the Dangling Details Club Meeting

Everyone is at the Dal. Trick talks about an ancient order that channeled their children’s energy to gain power, like proud parents. They talk about Zeus, the father of Hercules. Trick says the ancients have many names. Bo says, “What if they’re back?”

Heratio and Elizabeth
Just the family at home.

The Fae family of the week looks at the signature by Bo Dennis in Trick’s ledger and say, “So she’s the one.” Elizabeth says they have to act fast. Then they create a thunderstorm, which they enjoy watching together.

Some Thoughts

Zeus is the Father of All the Gods, god of the sky and ruler of Mount Olympus. Hades is King of the Underworld. Both are the children of Cronus and Rhea – in other words, brothers (or in the Lost Girl universe, brother and sister). The plot seems to be inching toward some sort of showdown between these two with Bo right in the middle of it.

Except for clearing up some details about the arrival of the ancients on the scene, this episode didn’t move the plot forward very much.

There is the clear statement that Valkubus isn’t going to be a thing. Much as Tamsin wants it, Bo does not.

Did I overlook any other big developments in this episode?

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2 thoughts on “Lost Girl: S5 E6 Clear Eyes, Fae Hearts”

  1. Maybe Dyson meeting Alyassha is a future love interest for Dyson. I have long wanted for Dyson to fall in love with a HUMAN. A Fea Human relationship is considered taboo in Fea society and parallels gay relationships in our society. I think it is time for Lost Girl to bring front and center the way the Fea feed off humans and thier contempt for them.

    I thought Lost Girl was about a Fea who “choose” humans over her own kind. Bo didn’t want to be defined by her biology. For the last couple of years the show seems to have forgotten that. Bo has become a slave to her biology and the show has lost much of its charm. For these last few episodes of this last season, Bo needs to go back to fighting for humans and to rise above her Feaness.

    1. Tristen, that would be an interesting twist. I thought part of the taboo was about differing lifespans. I’d sort of forgotten that early stuff about choosing humans. Thanks for your comment.

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