Bessie Smith

Queen Latafah in Bessie

Review: Bessie

Bessie stars Queen Latifah as legendary blues singer Bessie Smith. Think of it as a series of vignettes – events and scenes that aren’t necessarily tied into a smooth narrative.

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Queen Lafifah as Bessie Smith

Bessie Release Announced by HBO

HBO’s biopic about Bessie Smith, Bessie is scheduled for release in the spring. The film stars Queen Latifah as the legendary blues singer. The HBO synopsis of the film: Queen Latifah stars as legendary blues singer Bessie Smith in this

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Peggy Lee and Bessie Smith

Gimmie Some of That Ol’ Time Music

Two biopics about two great but very different singers from the old days are in the works and I cannot wait to see them both. It’s early yet there’s no news on release times. Bessie Smith The first is a

Gimmie Some of That Ol’ Time Music Read More »

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