Melissa George

The band performing at the eddy

Review: The Eddy

The Eddy has a different language. That language is jazz. The story is told in jazz. Jack Thorne wrote a story about a struggling jazz club in Paris called The Eddy. He added personal drama and a suspenseful mystery. He […]

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Anthony Hayes and Melissa George in The Slap

Review: The Slap, the 2011 Australian version

The Slap was a 2011 Australian TV series, and later an American one. Both were based on a novel by Christos Tsiolkas. I remember watching the American version a few years ago, but I think the Australian one is better.

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Sean Penn in The First

Review: The First

The First, a Hulu original series, was advertised and promoted as a heroic space adventure in the style of The Right Stuff. Astronauts in space suits and talk about a mission to Mars were in the posters and teasers. That

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Melissa Benoist looking like a mild mannered reporter in Supergirl

Trailers for New TV Series with Women Leads

There are a number of TV shows being announced now. Some star women in leading roles, some have more than one woman out in front, and some even boast women of a color other than white. Let’s have a look

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