Short Bits about Miley Cyrus, Hannah Einbinder, and Sue Bird

Miley Cyrus talks to David Letterman

Short Bits bring the dross out of my head regarding a few things I’ve watched recently that don’t need or merit a full-on review. That includes today’s topics with Miley Cyrus talking to David Letterman, Hannah Einbinder’s stand up special, and a documentary about Sue Bird.

My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman – Miley Cyrus

David Letterman went to the Chateau Marmont in LA to interview Miley Cyrus and attend an invitation only show she put on in a small space there. I actually watched it twice. The second time with my granddaughter who is a big Miley Cyrus fan.

The thing that struck me about Miley and the interview is how intelligent she is, how well she handles tricky questions, and how freakin’ talented she is as a singer.

She was honest during the interview parts and talked about some of her mistakes as well as successes. She brought in her mother to meet Letterman and talked about how much weed her mom smokes. I found it incredible that she would reveal that, but her mom didn’t seem to mind.

Overall, it was a treat to see her as a grown up, not playing a character, and get to hear her belt out a couple of songs. You can see the interview on Netflix.

Hannah Einbinder: Everything Must Go

Hannah Einbinder on the poster for her comedy special.

We all love Hacks, and we all love Hannah Einbinder in it. This hour of stand up is all Hannah Einbinder’s work and writing.

She has a different sense of humor and a slow style of delivery. Her humor isn’t one liners so much as thought pieces with a few sight gags. She didn’t make me laugh as much as I was expecting to. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t funny, but her humor is a little different from some other comics you’re probably familiar with.

This one is on Max.

Sue Bird: In the Clutch

Sue Bird shoots a basketball on the poster of Sue Bird: In the Clutch

Sue Bird: In the Clutch is a documentary about her amazing long career as a point guard.

It hits all the usual documentary beats – her childhood, her parents, her challenges and successes. There are many, many scenes where Sue herself talks about her career while shots of her on the basketball court are shown.

She was considered a leader on her team, especially since she stayed there so long as young new players came along. She never lost her edge. I was most interested in what she did with her leadership skills in helping bring the WNBA up in terms of pay levels and contract stipulations. As you would expect, women’s basketball was slighted in terms of pay and benefits for a long time. She helped change that.

She also talked a bit about the importance of coming out. Her engagement to Megan Rapinoe, the soccer star, was one of the things prompting her to be more active as an advocate for LGBTQ rights and equality for women athletes. The two of them make quite a powerhouse as activists.

This one is playing on Netflix.

Have you seen any of these “Short Bits?” Please share you thoughts in the comments.

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