Review: Camilla


Camilla, from 1994, stars Jessica Tandy and Bridget Fonda in a delightful road trip tale. Two women, several generations apart in age, take off together leaving a son and a husband at home to wonder where they are. They have an adventure that takes them from Georgia to Toronto.

Jessica TAndy in Camilla
Jessica Tandy in Camilla

Camilla, played by Jessica Tandy, tends to embellish her career as a concert violinist with imagined feats of greatness, while Freda (Bridget Fonda) tends to minimize her talents as a musician.

Somehow doing the irresponsible thing and setting off on a vacation together brings them both closer to an appreciation of what their talents really are.

Bridget Fonda in Camilla
Bridget Fonda in Camilla

Freda’s clueless husband is played by Elias Koteas. Camila’s beleagured son Harold is played by Maury Chaykin. Waiting in Toronto, making violins by hand, is Ewald (Hume Cronyn).

The two adventurers meet some interesting characters along the way. The relationship between the two of them is full of warmth and understanding: that’s the heart of the story.

Something I love about films in which both Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn appeared together in their old age is that they always include love scenes. Sex – it’s not just for youngsters, and they make sure you aren’t foolish enough to think it is. They let you know sex happens among elders, too.

I completely enjoyed this movie and recommend it to you. It’s available on Netflix.

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