Flack, season 2, careening toward rock bottom

Anna Paquin, Lydia Wilson, and Rebecca Benson in Flack

In season 2 of Flack, the PR firm led by a group of women continues to make even the worst people look good. PR genius Robyn (Anna Paquin) spirals down the path of her addiction toward what should be a wake up call. This series is on Prime Video.

Flack features a quartet of troubled and complicated women running PR for a series of English celebrities. Caroline (Sophie Okonedo) is the head of the company. Her former husband Duncan Paulson (Sam Neill) is a silent partner.

Anna Paquin and Sophie Okonedo in Flack
Look who is uncomfortable around the boss.

When Caroline’s ex husband dies in season 2, his nasty son Damien Paulson (Paul Ready) shows up with the intention to hurt Caroline any way he can. It would affect everyone working there.

Lydia Wilson and Rebecca Benson in Flack
Want a job?

Eve (Lydia Wilson) is Robyn’s partner in the firm but is really mad at her when season 2 begins. Eve does something smart when she hires the unpaid intern Melody (Rebecca Benson) from season 1 to be her assistant. Melody is smart about PR and she’s the only honest person in the whole firm. A much needed voice in the unscrupulous morass of fixers we met in season 1.

There are the usual sagas of rich and famous people whose images need fixing. Among them Daniel Dae Kim does a nice job as the billionaire prick Gabriel Cole.

We met parents in season 2. Robyn’s horrible mother Clara (Martha Plimpton) and Eve’s horrible mother Alexa (Amanda Abbington) explained a lot about why these two women are so troubled. We also see why Robyn’s sister Ruth (Genevieve Angelson) is as complex as she is.

Marc Warren and Anna Paquin in Flack
Nowhere is too low for Robyn to go for drugs

None of them have drug and alcohol addiction problems to deal with like Robyn. When her supplier of Adderall runs out she does all the desperate things addicts do – lie, take whatever other drug she can find, humiliate herself for drugs, get kicked out of everyone’s life, sell out other people’s secrets for drugs. Will she reach rock bottom and realize she must recover? It’s the big question in the overall arc of season 2.

Complicated, fully fleshed out women are showing up on our screens more and more. Recent series such as The Handmaid’s Tale, Hacks, and Mare of Easttown come to mind. Flack boasts a brilliant portrait of dissolution and corruption from Anna Paquin. The story telling is quick and economical (only 6 episodes per season), yet is is strong and multifaceted.

Alicia MacDonald directed three episodes of season 2, Stephen Moyer did two and Flack writer and creator Oliver Lansley directed one.

If you were fascinated by the look of the fashions the women wore, there’s an interesting featurette about how the costumes were selected.

Poster for Flack

Here’s the trailer for season 2.

Did you watch season 1 of this series? Do you think Robyn will manage to pull herself together?

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4 thoughts on “Flack, season 2, careening toward rock bottom”

  1. christopher a swaby

    enjoying this series even while disliking almost every character. after watching the final episode of the season, i’m assuming there is going to be a season three.

    Stephen Moyer is Ms. Paquin’s husband, btw.

    1. Yes, I thought about Stephen Moyer because he directed her in episodes where she was really going downhill fast and looked like death warmed over most of the time. Who can you trust to do something like that more than your own husband?

      Agree, season 3 looks possible.

  2. Season 3 please!! Great cast and wonderful depiction of addiction and it’s devastating effect
    On the addict and the collateral damage it creates. Great show.. don’t leave it hanging!!!!!

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