Review: Grand Hotel (Gran Hotel) season 3

Amaia Salamanca and Yon González in Grand Hotel (Gran Hotel)

Season 3 of the popular Spanish telenovela Grand Hotel (Gran Hotel) is available on Netflix. All your favorite characters are back. The plot is as twisty and full of high emotion as ever.

The 3rd season is the last. With 24 episodes in season 3, there’s plenty to enjoy. The storylines involve love, marriage, betrayal, revenge, a cholera outbreak, a kidnapping, and above all, the struggle for control of the Grand Hotel (Gran Hotel) itself.

Adriana Ozores in Grand Hotel (Gran Hotel)
The season begins with a bomb explosion which is the first of many mysterious events. Doña Teresa surveys the damage in this gorgeously filmed shot.

Two of my favorite characters, Doña Teresa (Adriana Ozores) the former owner of the Grand Hotel, and Ángela Salinas (Concha Velasco) the head housekeeper, are back and as badass as ever. Doña Teresa can be a bit on the evil side. In season 3 she softens up a bit because of a man. Ángela ends the season on a very high note, which she certainly deserves.

I thought the mystery aspect of the season was very interesting. Alicia Alarcón (Amaia Salamanca) is unwillingly married to Diego (Pedro Alonso). The mystery swirls around Diego and his past crimes and real identity.

Amaia Salamanca and Yon González  in Grand Hotel (Gran Hotel)
Alicia and Julio forever!

Alicia wants to get away from Diego to be with her true love Julio Olmedo (Yon González). Their love affair has been an ongoing struggle for all 3 seasons. If they can figure out the mystery, they can be free of Diego and be together.

Yon González, Amaia Salamanca, and Megan Montaner in Gran Hotel
Julio, Alicia, and Alicia’s best friend Maite were a crime solving trio in season 3.

Maite (Megan Montaner) was my favorite character in season 3. She’s Alicia’s lawyer friend who comes to stay at the hotel. She contributes to crime solving, awkward love triangles, and finding true love in unexpected places. She wears pants and neckties and is smarter than everyone. She has attitude.

The Alarcón wastrel son Javier (Eloy Azorín) might actually grow up in season 3. Is it possible?

Detective Ayala (Pep Anton Muñoz) has a lot to do in season 3. There are murders galore. Like what happened to Andrés evil wife?

Yon González and Llorenç González in Grand Hotel (Gran Hotel)
Andrés confesses to a murder he doesn’t remember when there is no body. Who does that?

Andrés (Llorenç González), as Julio’s best friend and Ángela’s son, has several interesting love stories going in the course of 24 episodes. In the middle of it, he confesses to a murder nobody even knows actually happened. Women are such a problem, right?

Roger Coma and Luz Valdenebro in Grand Hotel (Gran Hotel)
She has a husband and a newborn son. He’s a priest. What’s wrong with this picture?

Padre Grau (Roger Coma) comes along and causes some heart palpitations in Sofía Alarcón (Luz Valdenebro). Since Sofía is married to Alfredo (Fele Martínez) and the Padre is, well, a padre, this is a tension builder.

With so many episodes, season 3 takes many a telenovela worthy twist and turn. It’s exciting and engaging and a fun adventure with an interesting mix of characters.

Grand Hotel (Gran Hotel) is beautifully filmed. It’s gorgeous to look at because of the costumes and setting. The actors are all very attractive, especially the romantic leads. Every actor, from the lead characters down to the lowliest maid in the hotel, gives a good performance. When stories are on the soapy side, it helps to have good actors telling them.

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