Review: The Trial (Il Processo)

Vittoria Puccini in The Trial

The Trial (Il Processo) is a mystery and crime series from Italy streaming on Netflix.

The Trial (Il Processo) is a character study as much as a crime story. We move through many many courtroom scenes while also pushing the characters to their limits in other ways.

What will they do to win? To serve justice? To find the right culprit? These answers are not obvious, and when you think you understand something about a character they surprise you.

The crime is the murder of a 17 year old girl, Angelica (Margherita Caviezel). The prosecutor assigned to the case is Elena Guerra (Vittoria Puccini).

Elena had just asked for a year leave of absence to go with her husband to New York. Her marriage was falling apart and this was her only way to save it.

Vittoria Puccini in The Trial
Elena questions her suspect.

But Elena stayed in Italy to work on this case instead of saving her marriage. It was a case she had a personal connection to and never should have been working on at all. But she did.

Camilla Filippi in The Trial
Linda claimed to have been at a party with her friends when the murder occurred.

The suspect brought to trial was Linda Monaco (Camilla Filippi). She came from a wealthy family. Her husband, a famous musician, was involved with the victim.

Ruggero would resort to almost anything to win his case.

The final main character was Linda’s defense lawyer, Ruggero Barone (Francesco Scianna).

Each one of the 9 episodes in the series brought new witnesses, new facts, new puzzles. Each episode had a plot twist – nothing huge, but always something a little surprising. The two lawyers facing off in the courtroom, Elena and Ruggero, used such questionable methods that it was never truly certain if the right person was on trial or if the truth would come out honestly.

Seeing the way a case is argued in Italy was definitely eye-opening. Very different from an American courtroom drama.

The Trial (Il Processo) moved slowly. Rather than action and excitement, it relied on mounting tension. The hook that kept drawing me in was my interest in the characters, more than the crime. The final scene suggested that a second season might be possible.

The lighting and cinematography were exquisite. The camera took full advantage of the wonders of Italian architecture and style with graceful walkways, splendid stone buildings, and sweeping courtyards framing many scenes.

The Trial poster

The only trailer I could find is not subtitled, but if you find the series on Netflix, you can watch a subtitled trailer there.

What do you mystery buffs think? Going to give this one a try?

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3 thoughts on “Review: The Trial (Il Processo)”

  1. I started watching this, but was off put by the dubbing of English. At first I couldn’t figure out why the voices all sounded so flat and almost artificial. Then I figured it out. I would prefer subtitles!

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