7 New Shows Premiering Soon That I’ll Be Watching at the website TV Equals by P.T. Jackson got my attention.
Go take a look at the shows mentioned in the article. Notice the photographs.
I’m certainly not criticizing P.T.’s taste in TV shows. But, personally, I have a problem getting excited about most of the shows mentioned in the article on TV Equals.
The photographs tell the story. Gender imbalance.
- Star Crossed: the image shows one unidentified male, one unidentified female in a love story. What about all the supporting characters?
- Mind Games: 4 men, 2 women
- Sirens: 3 men, no women
- Resurrection: 5 men, 3 women, 1 boy
- Believe: 1 man, one girl
- The 100: 2 men, 2 women but no indication about the other 96 people in the cast
- Turn: 2 men, no women
TV is definitely doing better than the movies in finding stories that feature women in leading roles, but this particular crop of upcoming shows is a big disappointment.
I admit some hope for Resurrection. Here’s the trailer for it. Themes explored in this one look irresistible.
What’s your attitude toward this crop of shows? Does the gender imbalance make any difference to you?
I have mentioned one upcoming show I’m looking forward to: Cosmos. Granted, I see the irony in the fact that Cosmos is hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson, but the science looks too fascinating to miss.
The irony of inconsistency aside, the point is we need to make more progress in bringing 51% of the population into a position of 51% of the visibility.
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