Just in Time, written and directed by Nigerian filmmaker Lowladee Omolola Adeleke, is a story of family and relationships set in Nairobi, Kenya. A few life-changing days bring a family together and tell a love story. You can watch it on Netflix.
When Just in Time begins, Muthoni (Sarah Hassan) learns the news that the bookstore where’s she’s been manager for 7 years is closing down. All the books will go to an online buyer. The space will be turned into a spa.
Muthoni struggles to deal with this news. She’s thinking of a short vacation while she’s jobless when her cousin Njeri (Pierra Makena) calls. Njeri is getting a divorce and needs help with her 11 year old daughter. She wants the child, Ashley (Stycie Waweru), to stay with Muthoni for a couple of weeks. The entire cast is very good, but young Stycie Waweru is a natural.
Muthoni and Njeri have been estranged for a while. Muthoni didn’t like the guy Njeri married, but now the marriage is falling apart.
Muthoni lives in a one bedroom apartment, knows nothing about raising kids, and hasn’t seen Ashley since her 8th birthday. But she says yes.
As Muthoni and Ashley are circling around each other, trying to get acquainted and find a way to be together for a couple of weeks, there’s a knock on the door.
At the door is Kobena (Mawuli Gavor). He’s come to get the keys to the neighbor’s apartment, where he will be staying a few days.
With these plot pieces in place, the story of how Ashley and Muthoni become close begins. Ashley helps the rest of the family situation heal.
The handsome stranger in the next apartment is very friendly. As he says to Muthoni, “We have chemistry.”
This charming story is full of lovely views of Nairobi. It’s all about relationships with family and possible love interests. It’s mostly in Engish with a little Swahili as grace notes. If you like feel good films, this one will get you feeling good.
Here’s the trailer.
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