Hit the Lights, Lost Girl

The gang's all here

Can you see K.C. Collins in the screen shot above? He’s there, down at the end of the line, next to Ksenia Solo, who is also hard to see.

Outside light
Outside light

Here’s another image with K.C. Collins that presumably involves outside light. Still hard to see, isn’t he?

Maybe it’s because of budget issues, as mehlsbells suggests, but Lost Girl is generally dark. I don’t mean only in story line, I mean in terms of actual light. Things are hidden away in shadows most of the time. Screen shots that I use from Lost Girl in my recaps have to be run though Photoshop and brightened considerably or they would look like nothing more than a dark blur on a web page.

That means that K.C. Collins is often so badly lit that you can’t even see him.

He’s in the cast, he’s an important character, he deserves to be seen. Let us see him! Light him with a spotlight or something so that he pops out of the shadows. There has to be a way.

I know filming for season 4 is finished, but I’m hoping there will be a season 5. And, in season 5, I’m hoping that K.C. Collins will be visible when he’s in a shot.

orange is the new black screen shot
Orange is the New Black screen shot

Look at the contrasting dark and light skinned faces in this shot from Orange is the New Black. Granted OITNB isn’t using darkness and shadow like Lost Girl. OITNB is in a brightly lit prison. However, every face is equally visible, no matter the skin tone.

That’s all I want. I want K.C. Collins to be equally visible in scenes he’s in.

Come on Showcase, come on Emily Andras, come on Jay Firestone – do something about the lighting on K.C. Collins.

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1 thought on “Hit the Lights, Lost Girl”

  1. Pingback: Now for an entirely unrelated rant - Old Ain't Dead

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