Rufus Sewell

Billie Piper in Scoop

Scoop, getting Prince Andrew in the hot seat

Scoop tells the story of the interview by BBC News that forced Prince Andrew to remove himself from royal duties following the arrest and suicide of Jeffrey Epstein. The film was adapted from the book “Scoops” by Sam McAlister and […]

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Giancarlo Esposito, Paz Vega, Jai Courtney, Rosaline Elbay, Peter Mark Kendall, and Jordan Mendoza in Kaleidoscope

Kaleidoscope, colorful heist series with a gimmick

Kaleidoscope is a heist/revenge story. The 8 episodes don’t have titles, but are named for colors. The gimmick here is that Netflix serves those episodes up in a different order to different viewers. You never know if you saw the

Kaleidoscope, colorful heist series with a gimmick Read More »

Alexa Davalos in The Man in the High Castle

Review: The Man in the High Castle, season 4

The Man in the High Castle, season 4, brought the long sci fi saga of a multiverse of worlds to an end. The world most of the story sits firmly in is where the US lost WWII and Germany and

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Alexa Davalos in The Man in the High Castle

Review: The Man in the High Castle Season 2

Alexa Davalos continues to be the centerpiece holding The Man in the High Castle together in season 2. Amazon’s exclusive series about an alternate version of events following WW II is based on a book by Philip K. Dick.

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Alexa Davalos in The Man in the High Castle

Review: The Man in the High Castle, season 1

The Man in the High Castle is an Amazon exclusive. Season 1 has been available for quite some time, but the cast was so largely male I didn’t have much enthusiasm for the story concept. Only recently did I discover

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